This dataset is addressing the details. tenantApiCode value of "af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42", apikey value of "1hKMMPFMmaldnC0rcohvXN0UX7UeWPjb" and username "dwalker" can be used as url parameters to test this api for accessing sample data.
- The tenantApiCode and apikey pre populated in the docs here is intended for accessing sandbox data to help understand the API only.
- For production integration use case, please access Plantronics Manager Pro's Admin->Accounts->Company Profile to get access to the tenantApiCode for the tenant.
- Please register here and generate your apikey for apps when you are ready to integrate with a production tenant data and your app.
Resource URL{tenantApiCode}/devices/user/{username}
Query Parameters
Name | Values | Description |
(required) |
Key to access this api. |
manufacturer |
Manufacturer of the device; Could be plantronics or non plantronics |
deviceState |
Device state; Please refer documentation on device states |
productName |
Product id e.g. BT600 |
deviceType |
Device Type e.g. DECT |
userGroup |
The enterprise user group the devices belong to |
(required) |
Page of the request |
(required) |
count or number of results in a page |
Header Parameters
Name | Values | Description |
(required) |
Unique Id for the App |
tenantApiCode ID of the tenant; Should be a valid hexadecimal af0813e6-81c0-4a77-89d2-3338d0277c42 true
username User name of the device/s dwalker true
Make a request and see the response.
Make a request and see the response.
Make a request and see the response.
Response Error Details
HTTP CodeError CodeDescription
Generic malformed request.
One or more of the required parameters not found in the request URI.
Internal server error.
Unauthorized token error.
No device entity could be found for the requested device path parameters
Resource Summary |
Security |
None |
Content Type |
application/json |
Category |
Asset Management and Adoption |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
device .baseFwVersion | string | Firmware version of the base of the headset |
device .btFwVersion | string | Firmware version of the bluetooth protocol |
device .displayId | string | This should be set to the Tattoo id of the Plantronics device if one is available. Otherwise it should be set to deviceId (the genes serial number). If the deviceId is manufactured the field should be excluded from the dataset |
device .firmwareVersion | string | The current firmware version.For non-Plantronics devices this is the USB FW version. |
device .firmwareVersionAvailable | string | FW Version Available = latest version made available by Plantronics (published by PSA) |
device .hasActivePolicy | boolean | This should be set to the Tattoo id of the Plantronics device if one is available. Otherwise it should be set to deviceId (the genes serial number). If the deviceId is manufactured the field should be excluded from the dataset |
device .hsFwVersion | string | Firmware version of the headset |
device .id | string | The unique id of the device |
device .policyFirmwareVersion | string | This should be set to the Tattoo id of the Plantronics device if one is available. Otherwise it should be set to deviceId (the genes serial number). If the deviceId is manufactured the field should be excluded from the dataset |
device .policyId | string | Id of the compliance policy |
device .updateId | string | Id of the update available. |
device .usbFwVersion | string | Firmware version of the USB device |
device .versionCompliant | boolean | is the firmware of the device compliant or not |
connectedDevice .component | string | Indicates whether the connected device is a headset or base.If the device object is a base (or dongle) then this object would contain information about the headset (or top). If the device object is a headset, this would contain information about the base |
connectedDevice .displayId | string | Set to the Tattoo ID if available, otherwise the genes ID or device id).Not set if the device id of the connected device was manufactured. |
connectedDevice .family | string | The family name of the connected device. |
connectedDevice .id | string | The unique id of the connected device. |
connectedDevice .modelId | string | The model ID of the connected device |
connectedDevice .name | string | The official product name of the connected device. |
firstSeen .clientInstanceId | string | The unique clientInstanceId for the first person who plugged the device in. |
firstSeen .firstname | string | Unique id of the vendor (USB Vendor ID) |
firstSeen .hostOs | string | The os platform on which the softphone is being used. |
firstSeen .hostOsVersion | string | The os platform version on which the softphone is being used.. |
firstSeen .hostname | string | Hostname of the system where the device was first plugged in. |
firstSeen .lastname | string | Last Name of user who plugged in the device |
firstSeen .softphone .name | string | Plantronics for all Plantronics devices, otherwise the name of the non-Plantronics manufacturer |
firstSeen .softphone .pluginId | string | Plugin id of the softphone; Internal to Plantronics cloud. |
firstSeen .softphone .vendor | string | Vendor of the softphone |
firstSeen .softphone .version | string | Version of the softphone being used |
firstSeen .userGroups | array | The groups of which the associated user is a member (in order of priority from high to low). |
firstSeen .username | string | The user who first plugged in the device as reported by Hub. |
lastSeen .clientInstanceId | string | The unique clientInstanceId for the first person who plugged the device in. |
lastSeen .firstname | string | Unique id of the vendor (USB Vendor ID) |
lastSeen .hostOs | string | The os platform on which the softphone is being used. |
lastSeen .hostOsVersion | string | The os platform version on which the softphone is being used.. |
lastSeen .hostname | string | Hostname of the system where the device was first plugged in. |
lastSeen .lastname | string | Last Name of user who plugged in the device |
lastSeen .softphone .name | string | Plantronics for all Plantronics devices, otherwise the name of the non-Plantronics manufacturer |
lastSeen .softphone .pluginId | string | Plugin id of the softphone; Internal to Plantronics cloud. |
lastSeen .softphone .vendor | string | Vendor of the softphone |
lastSeen .softphone .version | string | Version of the softphone being used |
lastSeen .userGroups | array | The groups of which the associated user is a member (in order of priority from high to low). |
lastSeen .username | string | The user who first plugged in the device as reported by Hub. |
product .family | string | The marketing name of the product family the device belongs to |
product .manufacturer | string | Plantronics for all Plantronics devices, otherwise the name of the non-Plantronics manufacturer |
product .modelId | string | model id of the product |
product .name | string | The display/marketing name of the product |
product .type | string | Bluetooth | USB | DECT |
product .vendorId | string | Unique id of the vendor (USB Vendor ID) |
softphone .name | string | Plantronics for all Plantronics devices, otherwise the name of the non-Plantronics manufacturer |
softphone .pluginId | string | Plugin id of the softphone; Internal to Plantronics cloud. |
softphone .vendor | string | Vendor of the softphone |
softphone .version | string | Version of the softphone being used |
tenantApiCode | string | tenant unique id under Plantronics cloud |
tenantName | string | Tenant canonical name under Plantronics Cloud |